[Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

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[Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:01 pm

 A Guide for Drug Roleplay
This guide's purpose is to explain how these drugs can be roleplayed by players on the server. Over time I'll add more onto the list. If you'd like to include your own section or offer more information/corrections PM me and I'll add it. 

Drugs that need to be added:
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Nitrous Oxide

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[spoiler=Roleplaying Around _________]
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[Description of the drug here]

A list of street names:


[color=#800000][size=150][u][b]How the Drug Works[/b][/u][/size][/color]

[color=#800000][size=150][u][b]What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term[/b][/u][/size][/color]

[color=#800000][size=150][u][b]How do I take it?[/b][/u][/size][/color]

[color=#800000][size=150][u][b]How to roleplay the effects?[/b][/u][/size][/color]

Drug Guides
[+] Roleplaying Around Marijuana
Roleplaying Around Marijuana

Pretty much everyone by now knows a good deal about marijuana. It's just a species of plants in the cannabinoid group. It goes by many names that vary by region, culture, and age group.  Not all weed is created equal and there are thousands of strains that have been cultivated. The quality varies significantly and this is something that should really be considered by the RPer in how they roleplay their marijuana. It's the dealer's responsibility to be keeping track of that and plays a part in distinguishing your pack from other peoples. Cannabis can be taken a lot of different ways whether that is being cooked in food, brewed, vaporized, or smoked. 

A few would be (Some of them are pretty dated):
  • Gas
  • Loud
  • Mid/Reggie
  • Fire, Fuego, Flame
  • Tookah
  • Mota
  • Green
  • Grass
  • Ganja 
  • Pot
  • Reefer
  • Yeska
  • Cheeba
  • Brick weed
  • Herb
  • Mary Jane
  • Pretty much any strain name if you're looking for something specific.
How the Drug Works
Initially, when the drug takes effect it'll speed up your blood flow. It takes a few minutes for any feelings to really kick in (Depending on potency/how its taken). A part of how marijuana affects the mind is that it amplifies what you're feeling at the time. Everyone's different and moods change all the time. You could be paranoid or extremely relaxed after using it. Your reaction time'll likely be a bit slower. Your eyes'll probably be red/glossy but how red depends on the potency and your tolerance. The eye's reaction time'll be stagnated. Colors will be more vibrant and your focus might not be as good as before. 

The effects can last for several hours but the intensity of them'll vary. Depending on how you're feeling the drug can either make you more outgoing or introverted. 

Marijuana is broken into two extremes in its effects: Sativa and indica. Indica is more of a body high that brings you down while sativa is more energetic and mental. 

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term
Long-term marijuana use can actually lower your blood pressure compared to its immediate increase. If a person already has low blood pressure they can get drops that cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and fuzzy vision. If a lot of marijuana was taken in one session or over time it can bleed into the next day in a lesser high. THC will remain active in your bloodstream long after the high is over. Despite what people say it is possible to "overdose" on marijuana specifically with edibles and concentrates if too much is taken. It's not fatal it's just really unpleasant with symptoms such as: Panic attacks, paranoia, nausea, fainting, etc. It's possible for marijuana to cause or intensify depression. 
How do I take it?

It can be smoked in rolling papers, cigarillos, cigars and glass/metal pipes. Metal pipes burn hot, unlike glass pipes. To roleplay with papers/leaves, you break down the marijuana and roll it up inside tightly with enough air flor to burn efficiently. You need to lick it and put pressure down to get it to hold in place. Pipes are simpler since you just fill the bowl up and smoke it. Cornering it is more efficient than just lighting the whole thing up.  If it has a carb you put your thumb on the carb when smoking it. Water pipes are similar except that you fill it up with a liquid and pull the slide when the chamber's filled up enough for you. Oil rigs are similar to water pipes and are used to smoke wax/oils. You need to use a torch and it has to have a 'nail'. Vaporizers come in 'on the go' forms and stationary versions. The stationaries are better and have adjustable settings. As said before marijuana can be ingested as well but I won't elaborate on that in this guide.

How to roleplay the effects?
Users might cough when inhaling if it is done improperly/too much smoke is inhaled or if they have a very low tolerance. You can roleplay the physical and mental symptoms however you please through body language. You might be a lot more hungry and able to eat more than you normally would. While obviously, this doesn't apply to everyone but you might be more willing to smoke cigarettes while high.
[+] Roleplaying Around Painkillers
Roleplaying Around Painkillers
Opiates are painkillers that have a base made with a base of Hydrocodone, Codeine, Oxycodone, Morphine and other substances.

They're used for pain relief but get abused a lot recreationally. Typically they get called by a shorter version of the drug like percs, oxy, roxies, panda, etc. On top of that, they get called based on the pill size (The amount of the opiate in the drug, ex: 5mg/10mg/15mg).  Many of these drugs contain acetaminophen(Tylenol) as a way to prevent serious abuse since you can only ingest x amount within a day. That is where many pills like these Watson 749's are distinguished from Roxicodone which has no filler. 
How the drug works

The drug binds to opioid receptions in the brain and basically numbs the body to pain. On top of this, it evokes an emotional response by releasing dopamine which calms the person and makes them feel good. It slows down your breathing since it is a depressant. The drug can make you nauseous, not hungry, sleepy, dizzy, lightheaded, and sweaty. Some of these drugs are instant releasing or extended release.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?
Opiates are highly addictive and disrupt how the body releases dopamine. It can associate the drug with the release which causes depression. It can mess up your respiratory system. It's very possible to overdose on these drugs whether it's purely from the opiate or because of the fillers that are put inside. When it isn't taken by an addict it weakens the immune system and causes cold symptoms. Other than that, it can make you irritable and cause a laundry list of health problems. 

How Do I Take It?

The pills can be taken a number of ways. The obvious one is orally and it is efficient. Snorting it is pretty common when its abused since snorting is fun and allegedly acts faster on the body. There are extraction methods that can be used to separate the fillers from the pure opiate inside of the drug. Parachuting is another way to take these drugs which is basically just crushing it up and taking it orally(Tastes pretty nasty).
How to roleplay the effects?
You can roleplay the effects by being more relaxed physically and generally more agreeable. Physically taking pain won't hurt as much and can be reflected in your roleplay within reason. The pupils contract while the drug is active. Your breathing will be slower and possibly heavier. Since its a depressant the drug will make you more drowsy and slower with reaction times. The stronger the dose the more it'll sedate you. 

If too much of the drug is taken for your tolerance you might vomit, fall asleep or stop breathing. Not 100% on why but I know that opiates can trigger seizures. 
[+] Roleplaying Around Cocaine
Roleplaying Around Cocaine

Cocaine is basically a concentrated powder that comes from coca leaves. 

It can be taken a number of ways from snorting the powder, taking it via an injection (after cooking it), or by lacing it over another smokable substance. Cocaine is an anesthetic and a big effect that it has been known for is causing numbness. 

Some slang names include:
  • Coke
  • Girl
  • Snow
  • White/White girl
  • Powder
  • Soft
  • Cola
  • Nose candy
  • Yayo
  • Perico
  • Flake

How the drug works:

The drug kicks in quite quickly and causes numbing around the area that it is taken. It speeds up your heart rate and raises your blood pressure. It might make you less hungry. These physical effects impact the person mentally. Depending on how they're feeling it can make them euphoric and happy or paranoid, aggressive and nervous. The pupils dilate heavily and the body is more prone to muscle spasms/compulsive behavior.  Another effect it has it that it increases your breathing rate since your body, in general, is working a lot harder to keep up. Other effects can take place such as nosebleeds depending on what the drug is cut with. The high is fairly short and lasts under two hours. 

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?

When the drug wears off the dopamine shortage can cause depression. Since it causes such a big dopamine release it's highly addictive mentally. A person who's going through withdrawal might be erratic and panicked. The drug takes a serious toll on the body and can make the person feel exhausted without it. Like other stimulants, addicts can end up losing weight and being malnourished. Hallucinations are possible and can vary. Typically it causes damage over time depending on the route of insertion. Tissue damage occurs in the nose and breathing issues if it is smoked. It damages the organs as it breaks down in the body. High blood pressure can become a permanent issue along with damage to blood vessels. There may be additional problems depending on what the drug has been cut with. 

How do I take it?

Cocaine can be taken a number of different ways. The simplest one is simply snorting the powder straight up your nose or through a straw. This is usually done in rails/lines. Bumps can be done with a dollar bill or any object with an edge out of a baggy. It can be smoked by lacing it over another drug. If the drug is 'cooked' on a spoon it can be injected which gives the most intense high and immediate. Orally it can be rubbed on the gums. 

How to roleplay the effects?

A person high on cocaine will have dilated pupils and seem more on edge than usual. The drug makes the person more fast-acting and energetic. That can be reflected in how they talk and move. They might ramble when they're talking since their thought pattern is a little disrupted.  Their thoughts might be more racey and spontaneous. The person might be more prone to doing compulsive behavior such as grinding their teeth to give one example, chewing their gums, etc. There's also the chance of coke-dick and not being able to get it up. Nosebleeds are a common symptom. Since the drug lowers your inhibitions you'll be more prone to risky behavior.
[+] Roleplaying Around Heroin
Roleplaying Around Heroin

Heroin is a processed drug that originates from opium. While it is initially in powder form after production further processing might change its structure. There are several types of heroin around. On the east coast white heroin is more common while on the west coast black tar and brown heroin reign. The difference in the types is simply how effective each route of insertion is in getting the best high. 

Slang varies everywhere and based on the type of heroin:
  • H
  • Smack
  • Tar
  • Boy
  • Ron
  • Dope
  • Girl
  • Brown/Mexi Brown
  • Horse
  • White China
  • Brown Sugar
  • Dragon
  • Mud
How the drug works:

The drug hits the brain and latches onto the opioid receptors. Depending on how the drug is taken it'll impact how much a rush comes over the person when its taken.  The drug is very fast acting and effects last for several hours. Nausea and vomiting are very common symptoms but this doesn't have an impact on the high as the heroin is already absorbed. As a depressant, the drug drops your breathing rate and can make you drowsy. The user might feel dazed, sedated, and euphoric. The high is associated with a warm feeling over the body and mentally the person is a little out of it. In general, the body reacts slower. 

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?

Heroin, unlike many drugs, is physically addicting. The body can become very reliant on the drug and this can be strong enough to kill. Vomiting is very common along with cramps, watery eyes, and a weakened immune system. The person might get cold chills/shakes. The body will feel weaker/hurt and in essence is weaker. Going through withdrawal is frustrating and makes it hard for the person to stay focused. Physically the body will be working harder to keep the heart pumping and breathing is altered. Mentally the withdrawal causes cravings, depression, and general symptoms associated with anxiety/insomnia.

How do I take it?

Heroin can be snorted if it is in powder form. It may need to be chopped up more if it comes in chunks. The powder form can also be laced in another drug and smoked. When its cooked it can be injected which is the most instantaneous route. 

How to roleplay the effects?

While high on heroin the person will be zoned out. Whether or not they're functional or not depends purely on the strength of the heroin and how much they took. A person can snort heroin and be fully functional. The eyes stagnate and react much slower to light. Vomiting as said is common a lot of users so that is one thing that can be roleplayed occasionally.  Since the drug depresses the body's systems your breathing'll be slower. In general, you'll be more unresponsive to your surroundings and might not be able to keep your balance/ move if the drug is taken in heavy amounts/via IV.
[+] Roleplaying around Xanax
Roleplaying around Xanax

Xanax is a brand name for alprazolam which is a drug in the benzodiazepine group. The group basically contains drugs centered around treating varying forms of anxiety. The drug acts as a calming sedative that is commonly used to treat panic attacks.  The pill come in several shapes and colors. The most common forms I've seen are green and yellow bars and white footballs. The shape and color are tied to the specific type of Xanax it is and dosage a lot of the time. There are extended versions as well similar to painkillers. Some slang that's used around Xanax includes:

  • Zans /Zannies
  • Bars
  • Footballs
  • Xs
  • Benzos

How the drug works:

The drug impacts the brain by inducing a calming effect by acting on transmitters inside the brain. Basically, it releases chemicals. These chemicals (GABA) also causes a sedative effect on the person and relaxes the muscles. Xanax is fairly known to cause blackout and memory gaps in many people.  The drug is known to slow down a person's breathing since it acts as a depressant. Other effects related to the drug while under its effect are lack of focus, impaired motor skills, slurred speech, and confusion.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?

Xanax is highly addictive since it interacts with the brain so much. A person that's addicted to Xanax might feel fatigued and aloof without the drug. They may have trouble focusing and memory problems are a recurring trend. Headaches may occur and the person may be more agitated when interacting with people. 

Xanax typically isn't meant to be a long-term solution to anxiety hence why it's so fast acting. Long term a user will likely seem tired (Due to the sedative effect) and lacking motivation all around in their life.  

How do I take it?

The pills can be taken a number of ways. The obvious one is orally and it is efficient. Snorting it is pretty common when its abused since snorting is fun and allegedly acts faster on the body.  

How to roleplay the effects?

The effects are very straightforward. How Xanax affects a person's speech, movement, and focus is similar to being drunk. To put it simply the drug dumbs you down so you'll have a hard time paying attention and likely make mistakes when doing stuff. They may stumble if they've taken a lot for their tolerance and slur their words or speak more slowly. The sedative effect will make the person sleepy so it's not uncommon that they'll fall asleep earlier than they normally would. Taking the drug with alcohol drastically amplifies the effects and can cause the person to pass out, faint, go into a coma, or die. The drug typically lasts at least six hours whether you're awake or not. The person, in general, will likely care a lot less about the consequences of their actions.  Some people have a paradox reaction to Xanax where it makes them irritated rather than a calming one. 
[+] Roleplaying Around MDMA
Roleplaying Around MDMA
MDMA is a man-made drug that affects a person's feelings and sensories such as touch. It is often cut heavily with other substances which can make its potency and negative effects vary significantly. It can come as a powder or as a pill. When its in pill form it's common that it comes in some kind of design or in bright colors as a trademark. 

Some slang terms for it are:
  • Molly
  • Ecstasy
  • X, E, XTC
  • Beans
  • Skittles

How the drug works:

MDMA causes several chemicals to be released in surges in the brain. Dopamine which controls your euphoria and energy is one that's expected. Serotonin is another and it controls how much you need sleep, how hungry you get, how you're feeling, and more. Serotonin can impact your hormonal balance so you're inhibitions are lower and sexual arousal is usually higher.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?

The effects that were stated above will make the person have trouble sleeping and eating. The person may have a hard time focusing which is common with many stimulants. The full range of effects can't really be said since the drug is so heavily altered. Long-term MDMA use can cause brain damage, heart problems, and a myriad of other issues. 

How do I take it?

The substance can be taken orally or nasally. It depends how the drug came. If it's in powder form then it can be snorted. If it's in a gel cap or pressed into a pill it can be swallowed. 

How to roleplay the effects?

A user is more likely to be filled with energy since this is a strong stimulant. The effects go on for hours and the intensity changes. A slang term that's used for being high is rolling. This can be roleplayed by staying awake and doing physical activities like dancing to name one. The user will be euphoric and happy. Dilated pupils are a common effect that accompanies the other ones. Your sense of touch will be much more intense as well as how warm you feel.  The first thing can make rubbing up on things feel better or even just sitting on something comfortable. The second thing is nice too but the drug can overheat your body potentially. Cooling down with ice/water can that not happen a bit. Considering how many chemicals and hormones are being released in the brain your time perception may be pretty bad. What seems like a few minutes might've been a half hour, an hour, or longer. Another side effect is that the user's memory might be blurred or outright blacked out. With lower inhibitions, a user will be more likely to do risky behavior and be more trusting than normal. The sexual effects the drug causes can help stop impotency, boost sexual performance, and increase sexual urges. It goes without saying how that can be roleplayed. To put it simply this is a drug that makes the person live in the moment and not think too much into the future. 

In terms of use many users don't take the drug on a daily basis. It usually comes with periods of binging followed by breaks. 
[+] Roleplaying Around Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is a man made drug that uses pseudoephedrine as a base and is then combined with other chemicals. The end result is a crystalized substance. Methamphetamine differs in appearance depending on what was used during the cooking process and how well the crystal was washed. The color of methamphetamine isn't a solid indicator of purity.

Some nicknames for it are:
  • Meth
  • Speed
  • Crank.
  • Crystal
  • Ice
How The Drug Is Taken
Methamphetamine can be crushed up into a powder and snorted. It can also be smoked in a bulb pipe or injected. Injecting like other drugs gives a more immediate high and a rush effect. In general, the drug is fast-acting. To roleplay smoking, it's worth mentioning that the lighter has to be rotated around the bulb so the methamphetamine turns into vapors. Holding the lighter too long at a spot will just cause it to burn and be wasted.

How the drug works:
As stated the drug is fast acting and is felt almost immediately. The drug causes a dopamine release and kicks up the user's heart rate. The body ends up working much harder. The dopamine changes along with other effects cause chemical imbalances. Those imbalances cause erratic emotional changes which can vary.
The drug causes the heart to speed up and in turn the body works at a much faster pace than it normally would. The drug interferes with brain chemicals and this causes tingling feels on the skin and feelings of warmness/coldness. A euphoric feeling comes about when the dopamine is tricked into being released. All of these chemical changes causes erratic emotional changes. A person could be happy, paranoid, etc. Users may potentially have extreme concentration to the point of obsession with objects. Overall the drug makes users restless and energetic like other uppers.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term?
Methamphetamine addiction is both physical and mental (mostly mental). It takes a serious toll on the body as the body is having to work harder to keep going. The long periods without sleep further weaken the body. After a long meth bender, it's not uncommon for users to end up oversleeping because they're so deprived. The drug remains active in a person's system for several days and the high lasts for several hours. Users will likely be fatigued, depressed, or confused if they haven't been using. Schizophrenia isn't unheard of being a side effect of meth abuse. This is likely because of how it affects a person's thought process and the lack of sleep. The depression that many users face can make them very emotional whether that is through crying or being aggressive to other people. Despite the serious effects of methamphetamine on the body methamphetamine itself actually only causes a withdrawal that lasts about a week as the addiction is more mental than anything else. Long-term meth use can lead to a myriad of health problems that impact the entire body and it really depends on what the person does when they're high. Needle users may get diseases from sharing needles. Compulsive behaviors (scratching/grinding) can lead to tooth damage and scabbing. They can also end up with an irregular heart beat, a higher chance of stroke, organ failure, bowel damage, weakened immune system... The lost goes on. One very noticable effect worth noting is that meth causes severe weight loss.

How to roleplay the high?
While the user is high they will seem very anxious and energetic. They might be sweaty as well. The user will have dilated pupils and will likely have sunken eyes from sleep deprivation. Like other uppers it can make the user have rushing thoughts and make them rash decisions. The user will likely end up seeming bipolar. This makes them very unpredicable.
[+] Roleplaying Around PCP
Roleplaying Around Phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (PCP)

PCP (Phencyclodine) is a drug that used to be used legally as an anesthetic. After it was made illegal it hit the streets and started getting made with a mix of chemicals contained in everyday items and illegally attained tranquilizers/prescription drugs. It comes in a variety of forms such as liquid and powder.

A list of street names:
  • Trank/Elephant Tranquilizer/Animal Tranquilizer
  • Angel Dust/Mist
  • Sherm
  • Juice
  • Water
  • Rocket/Jet Fuel
How the Drug Works
When the drug hits the body it takes effect quickly. Your heart will start beating a lot quicker and your brain will be overloaded with chemicals. These chemical changes'll confuse how the brain is communicating with your body. Your thought processes, movement and senses will be impaired. That could mean they are slower or it could just mean that they're very random. That randomness extends to emotions as well which'll be much more intense and manic. The body muscles will be working much harder due to being tensed up which combined with the drug's anesthetic effect will make you more pain resistant.

The drug is known to cause hallucinations which progressively get more intense overtime till the drug hits its peak. What those hallucinations consist of depend fully on your character's mindset at that moment and their surroundings. Those hallucinations combined with the body confusion and mental instability is what makes users so unpredictable.
What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term
Often times after taking PCP there are blackout episodes of what happened during the high. The drug can cause mental instability for months after the drug has been taken. Some side effects that happen quite a bit are confusion, dizziness, and nausea. In the short term the drug will make the user fatigued or tired when they've stopped taking it since it makes the body work a lot harder. Long term the drug can do serious damage to the brain which will impact mental stability, cause brain damage (bad memory, slowed reactions, learning disabilities,etc). The drug isn't very addictive but the severity/length of the side effects makes it very dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms do not last very long and disappear after a day or so.

How do I take it?
PCP in its liquid form (the drug and water) can be injected. In its powder form it can be snorted. In both powder and liquid form PCP can be used to lace other drugs. If it can be smoked, eaten, injected, or snorted PCP can be put in it.

How to roleplay the effects?
Your character will likely not be coherent when they're on the drug. He/She might make decisions that don't really make sense and they may ramble when they're talking and not speak properly. In general they won't be rational or witty. Overall speech will likely be impaired similar to being drunk. Given the effects of the drug your character may be more resistant to things like being hit, being tased, pepper sprayed, etc. With that being said, it simply means that more force has to get used in those situations. It doesn't make the user not feel anything at all it just numbs the senses.

Your character will likely have body language that shows they're confused. Their eyes might dart around a lot and will be very dilated. They'll probably do things that are crazy for them cause they aren't thinking rationally. They would act very different from how they do usually and be very impulsive. In terms of movement the effects can vary. They might be totally unable to move at all or really jittery.

For the hallucinations as stated it really depends on how your character's feeling and their surroundings at the time. Hallucinations could be visual or audible. Your character might for example hear whispers telling them to do something or the whispers might not even make any sense at all. Paranoia is another symptom that the drug often causes which can be in a lot of ways.

Some things they might do while they're high other than what's been said so far are:
  • Drooling
  • Twitching/Shuddering/Being Jumpy
  • Staring blankly.
  • Having a flushed face.
[+] Roleplaying Around Amphetamines
Roleplaying Around Amphetamines

Amphetamines is a base stimulant that is found in many different kinds of drugs. It comes in a powder form and is commonly put in prescription pills (Ex. Adderall).

A list of street names:
  • Amps
  • Chalk
  • Pick Me Ups
  • Speed
  • Uppers
  • Speedball when combined w/ heroin
How the Drug Works
In its prescription form the effects are more mild. If those pills get crushed up and measured into higher doses in gel caps... There's a huge difference. The drug makes the user much more focused. If the user is highly energetic that could make them zombie-like. If the user isn't naturally that way they'll be much more energetic and overly attentive of their surroundings. The pupils will dilate like with other stimulants and the body will amp up its heart rate/blood pressure. This'll make the user sweat and veiny as if they were exercising. Overtime the user may feel overly confident in themselves or euphoric. That euphoria might make them more sexually active and fearless. The user will likely be restless and do compulsive body movements (Grinding teeth/having muscle spasms, darty eyes, etc). In high doses amphetamines can cause paranoia and anxiety. The drug takes effect fairly quickly and can be intense at first. The effect fades in intensity overtime but the drug will keep working for as long as half a day.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term
Since the body is jacked up when the drug is in its system the user'll naturally be tired after it fades away. That fatigue will be both physical and mental. The user will be very aloof and anxious. They likely won't remember what happened 100% while they were high. Similar to how methamphetamine, amphetamines cause a crawly/itchy feeling on the skin. In the long term the drug can cause paranoia, schizophrenia and depression. Withdrawal lasts a few weeks but the time can vary depending on how long the person has been using.

How do I take it?
Typically the drug is taken by either snorting it in its powder form or popping a pill/gel cap. It's not uncommon to combine amphetamines with other powder based drugs.
How to roleplay the effects?
While high your character will likely be highly energetic and full of themselves. They will feel like they're really creative, invincible and have feelings of euphoria. So, basically your character'll be overly confident and be hard working if they are doing something. Your character will likely do compulsive behavior like grinding their teeth or darting their eyes. When they talk they might talk quicker, mix up their words a bit or ramble because their thought process is a lot faster than usual. Your character will probably be jittery and be moving quicker than they normally do. Their reaction time will be a lot quicker. Since their body is really on edge that'll cause sweating and heavier breathing.
[+] Roleplaying Around Crack
Roleplaying Around Crack
Crack is simply cocaine that's been cooked with baking soda and dried into a crystalized form. Its done to make the most out of the cocaine.

A list of street names:
  • Rocks/Hard Rocks
  • Candy
  • Hail/Sleet
  • Hard
How the Drug Works
When crack is taken it hits the user almost instantaneously. The high is very intense and euphoric. Its effects are similar to cocaine and how strong they are really depends on the purity of the cocaine that was used to make it. The euphoria will make the user overly confident and energetic just like with cocaine. The user'll have a numbing effect come over their mouth and throat if its been smoked. If its been injected it'll be around the injection site. They'll be able to concentrate much better but this fades away overtime as the user comes down. The high that crack gives doesn't last very long and is almost half of what cocaine'll do.

What happens if you stop taking it/continue taking it long-term
The comedown from crack is hard and the drug takes a serious toll on the body like other stimulants do. The drug can make users very bony and skinny. Like with other stimulants they won't have much of an appetite. When the comedown kicks in the user'll be progressively more fatigued, anxious and agitated. Crack is highly addictive and causes severe paranoia. This often times causes users to do just about anything they can think of to get more crack. Crack can cause mental instability during the withdrawal and cause the user to be very irrational. The withdrawal is fairly shortly only lasting a few days but is intense.

How do I take it?
Crack can be smoked either in a pipe or laced on another smoke-able drug. Users often times end up making pipes out of everyday items that can be thrown away easily like pens. The drug can also be melted down and injected.

How to roleplay the effects?
As stated the drug makes you energetic and euphoric. Your character will feel like they're invisible and can do anything they set their mind to. They will probably be very jumpy and quick moving. The high might make them do things that'd seem crazy to other people. Crack is known to cause compulsive behavior kind of like with methamphetamine. With all that energy your character'll feel like they got to constantly be doing something to deal with the restlessness. Your character's eyes will be dilated and darty like with regular cocaine.

To roleplay the effects of addiction your character will basically just be malnourished, have dry skin, and have a dry mouth. Their face'll likely be gaunt and their body'll be bony looking. Since the high is intense and shortlived your character will likely want to take more to get the same effect. Often times crack users'll take other drugs too so the comedown isn't as hard on them like weed. Your character will likely have an itchy feeling over their skin as well sometimes.
Last edited by ForgiveMyEngrish on Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:08 pm

This is looking real nice. It'll probably help a lot of people. Thank you for it.
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:42 am

Vincent Bacciarelli - Gov: Licensing Bureau - ALIVE - Story
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:47 am

Np. I added a code format if anybody wants to fill in guides for other drugs. Having a few /me examples could be good to put in too.
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:28 pm

Didnt know half this shit, will probably save this re-read it couple of times
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:38 am

Crack, PCP and Amphetamines have been added.
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Curly The Infamous
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Re: [Guide] A Guide for Drug Roleplay

Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:35 pm

Very well done.
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