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Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:10 pm
by Golden
Development Log 1

Hi everyone. Sorry for not posting a development log sooner but I am happy to finally post one. I have been very busy programming the server from the ground up while also learning what Rage MP has to offer and getting to grips with the new tools at our disposal. I have started most of the essential roleplay systems but none of them are fully complete as they rely on each other to create a fluid and dynamic experience. While developing, I am constantly looking at suggestions and getting feedback not just from other leads and helpers, but from the suggestions section: so if there is anything you want to see in the server, now is the best time to suggest it!

You probably want to see something instead of just reading this, so here are a few screenshots of the begining stages of some systems. They are all work in progresses and subject to change - feel free to reply here for any adjustments you want to see in the screenshots but please use the suggestions forum for any major changes. Also, thank you very much @Bradley for helping out with CEF!

Logging In
The login menu you are presented with when joining. The only way to log in is by creating an account on the UCP and being accepted.

Click to open in a new tab.

Creating a Character
We also have a character creation system with customizable heads, facial features and clothing for the freeroam characters, or you can alternatively use an available model.

Click to open in a new tab.
Click to open in a new tab.

Vehicle Syncronization
I also started work on vehicles and some corrections to the way vehicle sync works in Rage MP to ensure that it works as you would expect. Engines stay on, doors, dirt, damage, tyres etc are all synced.

Click to open in a new tab.

Work has begun on properties and I have added interiors. Are you interested in mapping for our server? Shoot me a PM!

Click to open in a new tab.

Factions have also been started and the structure has been set. All factions and faction ranks are dynamic and can be set accordingly by faction leaders or people with the ranks. We have a framework to build on for factions now and adding new factions can be done ingame. Faction-specific commands are also able to be added very easily with the framework.
phpBB [video]

Click to open in a new tab.

A framework for items has been created which allows new items to be added on the fly with their own commands, variables and possibilities.

Click to open in a new tab.

You may have seen the phone system I created previously. I want to completely start that again and make a framework for easily adding new apps for smartphones, and a burner phone system for cheap, first-mission style phones - which won't have smart phone apps.

Click to open in a new tab.

So when is it going to be ready?
We want to be as transparent as possible. It is hard to give an ETA when we are still early in development. If we decide to rush the gamemode out before we ensure it's quality then there will be more problems, so we still need to figure out what state we want the server to be in when we launch - it is a balance. Our goal is to get the server ready by the end of summer, however. Thank you for reading! We appreciate your feedback immensely.

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:14 pm
by oRe
Hype! Looks good!

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:14 pm
by krille120
This stuff is @Golden .

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:16 pm
by damaz
We can't wait to share more with you guys! Stay tuned. :)

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:49 pm
by Xgin
So good.

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:26 pm
by Toasty
Can't wait!

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 9:13 pm
by kyde
Amazing work.

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 10:09 pm
by Bradley
Lovely, can't wait for it!

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 12:21 am
by Corneru
good, hehhehehehhe, goood ehehhehehe

Re: Development Log 1

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 12:41 am
by Mondim
Let's keep it up boys!