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Update: What's been going on

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:35 pm
by damaz
Hey everyone!

It's been long overdue to post one of these updates to clarify what's been going on. Some of you may have noticed that our web server has been down for quite some time now. We feel that everyone needs to know what's really going on (And that we're not all running around with our heads on fire). As with the pretty much non-existent development from our team (Due to legitimate reasons surrounding motivation, studies, work) it was expected that some staff members would leave. They felt that things weren't moving in the pace they wanted and it's hard to put tough expectations on the development team when I don't give them a salary. Rome wasn't built in one day and with not many developers, it will take some time to get a perfect product out there. Bare in minds servers like LS:RP has been developed for 12 years.

To adress the elephant in the room: Labloske our old sys admin were one of the admins that decided to leave. Upon leaving (after getting into an argument about him starting his own server behind our backs and potentially stealing our code since he had access to it) he decided to suspend all active services. This includes property that blatantly belongs to Rage Roleplay and was created for the purpose of Rage Roleplay. Accounts to access these services have been blocked, so it lit a fire under our asses to try and reach a respectful medium to have them restored. Unfortunately, that peaceful medium hasn't come to much fruition. He basically said he was going to give back the files but has now ignored us for quite some time.

We will be looking to see if this is in breach of GDPR as the data held can no longer be considered secure or protected by us and we may be taking further action to ensure your data is either destroyed or handled properly. To note, your passwords are hashed and I've received word that his actions were of no "ill intent". So that is why our services (Web services) were down. Luckily, due to some of his previous behaviour regarding ownership of domains (He wanted full ownership of the domain), Sparx decided it was best to do a local backup of our web files (Done 26 October 2018) so we have all web files related to that. We also have all of our gameservers data, so your accounts in-game have not been lost. We will keep very close tabs on what is being utilized by him and his new endeavour as some of the content is under a license (1 use per product) and will be reporting any violations of those licenses. We've all seen this with someone being assigned a "SysAdmin", take LS:RP - it ends up in a mess. So from now on all services will be fully owned by me (damaz) who founded Rage RP.

Putting that problem aside, it's time for some news regarding the development team. Golden has decided that it's best for him to leave the development team to pursue his real life career with programming and sort his life out. We stand behind his decision and I personally want to thank Golden for all those hours he sat up fixing countless of bugs. I was honestly afraid of your health a few times when I woke up to go to work at 6 AM and still saw you online programming. You did a great job pushing the project out there and honestly without you we would have been nowhere. Thanks for all your hard work and for keeping up with my whining. Golden will be at stand by to help with any questions and he has a big interest to see this server thrive - he just won't have any more time to work on the project.

This opens up a new spot for the lead developer role which will be taken by Corello. Corello and Juggernogga will be juggling the gamemode for now and if you want to help out as a 3rd party developer feel free to contact either. Stay put for more details from the development team!

We will continue to work on the game mode and regularly update you guys. Be around on Discord for chances to test the game mode. And as always, feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.

Oh and if you want to help the server out on a more closer level. Apply as a helper today: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=109

Thanks for sticking around.

EDIT: More info about the release date will come please stay tuned.

Even though passwords were hashed, we recommend you changing them.

Re: Update: What's been going on

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:44 pm
by oRe
Some great news that we haven't had in a while. Let's do this.

Re: Update: What's been going on

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:00 pm
by Vash Baldeus
Damn, imho the is always an issue where one person has the control over the kill-switch of the entire server.
Furthermore I suggest you guys setup auto-backup feature that saves the data on another host besides the main one.

Re: Update: What's been going on

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:04 pm
by Calibur
Vash Baldeus wrote:Damn, imho the is always an issue where one person has the control over the kill-switch of the entire server.
Furthermore I suggest you guys setup auto-backup feature that saves the data on another host besides the main one.
It's also saved locally now.

Re: Update: What's been going on

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:01 pm
by Karl_Hoover
Fix the PD, and don't just /tell/ the dudes that run it what-to-do, find a replacement that actually gives a damn and wants to bring realism and some inspiration on-board. Rather pick up burned out people who get their status over their friendships, yet - very little is being show what they actually know. Everyone can copy & paste PD materials, its how department is led - and when we can't provide a realistic department (faction that supposed to be one of the largest role-models in the community, a faction that takes huge social impact on the community - we've got a problem).

You can ban me again for this commentary, but some staff already resigned because this ignored stupidity. So maybe, things should be adjusted and addressed to the matters before they get out of hand again.